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Lands & Properties Sector

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​lands.JPG​​​ Lands and Properties Sector is a service sector in RAK Municipality that deals with documentations, registration, disposition and handling of properties. Its vision is to achieve regional excellence in the provision of real estate acquisition and services. In 1958, this sector was established as the Office of Documentation and Registration of Properties at the Municipality Department. Later in 1976 due to an Amiri Decree, the office activities were separated to establish an independent service department, which are documentation, registration and transfer of properties. In 2014, by Amiri Decree No. (8), the Department was merged under Ras Al Khaimah Municipality Department as Lands and Properties Sector.

Real Estate Trans​action Reports

Real Estate Transaction Statistics Report 2015-2016

Real Estate ​Transaction Statistics Report  2016-2017

Real Estate Transaction Statistics Report  2017-2018

Real Estate Transaction Statistics Report 2018-2019

Real Estate Transaction Statistics Report 2019-2020

Real​ Estate Transaction Statistics Report 2020-2021

Real​ Estate Transaction Statistics Report 2021-2022

​​Lands and Properties Transactions Report - 2018/1

Lands and Properties Transactions Report - 2019/1​

Lands and Properties Transactions Report - 2020/1​

Lands and Properties Transactions Report - 2020/2 

Lands and Properties​ Transactions Report - 2021/1​

Lands and Properties​ Transactions Report - 2021/2

Lands and Properties​​ Transactions Report - 2022/1​

Lands and Properties​​ Transactions Report - 2022/2

Lands and Properties​​ Transactions Report - 2023/1

Lands and Properties​​ Transactions Report - 2023/2​​

Lands and Properties​​ Transactions Report - 2024/1

 Land Disputes Report

Monthly Reports (2025)

Real​ Estate Transaction​ Report for January 20​24-2025

Monthly Reports (2023)

Real​ Estate Transaction​ Report for January 2022-2023

Real​ Estate Transaction​ Report for Febuary 2022-2023

Real​ Estate Transaction​ Report for March 2022-2023

Real​ Estate Transaction​ Report for April 2022-2023

Real​ Estate Transaction​ Report for May 2022-2023

Real​ Estate Transaction​ Report for June 2022-2023

Real​ Estate Transaction​ Report for July 2022-2023

Real​ Estate Transaction​ Report for August 2022-2023​ 

Real​ Estate Transaction​ Report for September 2022-2023​

Real​ Estate Transaction​ Report for October 2022-2023​

Real​ Estate Transaction​ Report for November 2022-2023​

Real​ Estate Transaction​ Report for December 2022-2023


Monthly Reports (2021)

Real​ Estate Transaction Report for January 2020-2021

Real​ Estate Transaction Report for February 2020-2021

Real​ Estate​ Transaction Report for March 2020-2021

​Real Estate ​Transaction Report for April 2020-2021

​Real Estate ​​Transaction Report for May 2020-2021

Real Estate ​​Transaction​ Report for June  2020-2021 

Real Estate​ ​​Transaction​ Report for July  2020-2021

Real Estate​ ​​Transaction​ Report for ِAugest 2020-2021

Real Estate​ ​​​Transaction​ Report for September 2020-2021

Real Estate​ ​​​Transaction​ ​Report for October 2020-2021

Real Estate​​ ​​​Transaction​ ​Report for November 2020-2021

Real Estate​​ ​​​Transaction​ ​Report for ​December 2020-2021​​​

Monthly Reports (2020)

Real Estate Transaction Report for January 2019-2020

Real Estate Transaction Report for February 2019-2020

Real Estate Transaction Report for March 2019-2020

Real Estate Transaction Report for April 2019-2020

Real Estate Transaction Report for May​ 2019-2020

Real Estate Transaction Report for June​ 2019-2020

Real Estate Transaction Report for July​ 2019-2020

Real Estate Transaction Report for August ​ 2019-2020

Real Estate Transaction Report for September ​ 2019-2020

Real Estate Transaction Report for October ​2019-2020

Real Estate​ Transaction Report for November ​2019-2020

Real Estate​​ Transaction Report for December ​2019-2020

Property Ownership and Registration Administration 

Provide high quality services in documenting the transactions of annexation and separation of property, renewal of title deeds proving ownership of inheritance, division and reconciliation, taking into account the application of the provisions of Sharia and the laws of the Municipality Department in respect of distribution of heirs’ shares.

The Real Estate Ownership and Documentation Administration consists of two section namely: Property Registration Section & Ownership Amendment Section.

Tasks & Responsibilities 

Property Registration Section:​
  1. Verification of ownership of all types of grants (residential, commercial, agricultural, investment, etc.) whether free or built.
  2. Verification of ownership of Sheikh Zayed Housing Program grants whether loans or financial grants.
  3. Verification of ownership of Sheikh Saud Housing Program grants.
  4. Verification of ownership of public housing of all types.
  5. Verification of ownership of undeclared properties under Certificate Record.
Ownership Amendment Section:​
  1. Ownership under an inheritance inventory.
  2. Relinquishment/  Disposition.
  3. Renewal of Title Deed.
  4. Reissuance of ownership document.
  5. Add a building or inclusions on the property.
  6. Adding space to the original area of the property.
  7. Sorting and merging.
  8. Ownership under compensation.

Real Estate Data Administration

Achieve high quality level in organizing and following-up research and investigation of real estate register in Ras Al Khaimah Municipality Department, electronic and manual archiving operations, summoning of information for the files of property documents and the registration of mortgage contracts, as well as the planning, organizing and following-up of the engineering works related to undiscovered old properties. Reports to be presented to Old Property Registry Committee.

It consists of the following sections: Investigation and Reports Section, Mortgage Section, Archives Section and Old Property Documentation Section.

Tasks & Responsibilities 

Investigation and Reports Section:
  1. Comprehensive investigation​.
  2. All kinds of statements.
Mortgage Section:
  1. Documents Investigations.
  2. Mortgage contract.
  3. Mortgage Release.
Archives Section:
  1. Archiving​
  2. Borrowing
  3. Numbering
  4. ​ Recovering
Old Property Documentation Section:
  1. Registry of Old Property​

Land Registry Administration ​

Provide high quality services in real estate sales registrations and assignment contracts, organizing the activities of real estate brokerage offices and companies. Approving rental contracts through which they are implemented and providing high quality programs in training and qualifying the owners, managers and representatives of these offices and companies, which ultimately leads to increasing the satisfaction of customers, investors and brokers. Moreover, contribute to the vision of the department and its first strategic goal in creating an attractive environment for real estate investment in Ras Al Khaimah.

Tasks & Responsibilities 


Real Estate Trading:
  1. Addressing all issues of documenting land sale and purchase, approve and regulate real estate transactions and being responsible for protecting these documents through saving and archiving them. 
  2. Issuing documents of all types and services through the ratification of sales contracts, waiver records and replacement of lost transfer documents through the issuance of Title Deed. 
Brokers Licensing Section: 
  1. Organizing the activities of real estate offices in the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah and granting permission to practice the activity.
Ratification of Contracts: 
  1. Ratification of leases (residential, commercial and investment) to preserve the rights of both parties (lessor and lessee) in the Emirate in accordance with the applicable conditions and laws.

Related Documents

Procedures and Registration Fees for Real Estate Sale Service​​​
