As part of our effort to facilitate access to information and services through this website, we have designed it with a set of features that help users, to access required information or services in an easy and quick manner.
Features that help easy browsing of the website include:
Adjusting text size
Our website is built using relative font sizes, which means that if you want to see larger or smaller text, you can change the text size using the fonts icon shown in the header block.
Printing from this website
We have set this site up so that if you are using a modern browser, when you print a page the printout will not include the menus or sidebars. If the page title and address don't appear on your printout, you can set your browser to add them. This is usually done by choosing 'Page Setup' from the 'File' menu, or you can check your browser's 'Help' menu to find out how to do this.
You can print a page by using the printer icon shown in the header block.
Emailing a Page
Pages of this website can be emailed by using the envelope icon in the header block.
Go to Home Page
If you wish to move to home page, use the home icon shown in the header block.
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